TheDooo – Grenades In The Gravy (With lyrics) MP3 Download

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TheDooo - Grenades In The Gravy (With lyrics)

TheDooo – Grenades In The Gravy (With lyrics) sound effect mp3 download

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(Lyrics): (Ethan): Everybodyyyyyyy! Put your hands up! Oooooohhhh-Yeah! We gonna party toni-i-i-ii-iiiite! You know me. All you can eat. I like it large with extra meat! Like it sautéed. Like it fried. I'll dip my sh*t in apple pie! Flip it. Serve it. Mix it up. Pour that p*ss all in that cup. We gon' party till it's dawn. Serve that meal. Extra long! (TheDooo): And thisss might shock yoooou. I like that extra kick. Like gre-nades in the gravy. I like that spicy sh*t. (Ethan): P*ssing in the peanut butter. J*zzing on the jelly. There's heroine ne in the hashbrowns. Grenade in the gravy. (Ethan): There's a gun in the grits. (TheDooo): Gun in the grits. (Ethan): And tannerite in the tacos. (TheDooo): It's in the tacos. (Ethan): Explosives in the eggs. (TheDooo): Don't eat those eggs. (Ethan): And napalm in the nachos. (TheDooo): Wait what!? (TheDooo): [Keytar Solo] (Ethan): A Grenade is IN the GRAVY. (Trippy): Cummin' in the curry. (TheDooo): C*m in the curry. (Trippy): Wankin' on the waffles. (TheDooo): Wanking on that waffle. (Trippy): Pukin' on the pancakes. (TheDooo): Puke on that pancake. (Trippy): And bustin' on the bacon. (TheDooo): Bust on that ba-CON. (Trippy): Dickin' down the donuts. (TheDooo): Dick down that donut. (Trippy): Fentanyl in the fries. (TheDooo): Free fentanyl fries. (Trippy): We're all gettin' high. (TheDooo): So high. (Trippy): Grenades in the gravy. (TheDooo): Grenades in the gravy. (Ethan): P*ssing in the peanut butter. J*zzing on the jelly. There's heroine ne in the hashbrowns. Grenade in the gravy. (Ethan): There's a gun in the grits. (TheDooo): Gun in the grits. (Ethan): And tannerite in the tacos. (TheDooo): It's in the tacos. (Ethan): Explosives in the eggs. (TheDooo): Don't eat those eggs. (Ethan): And napalm in the nachos. (TheDooo): Wait-wait-wait-WAIT! (TheDooo): [Keytar Solo] (Ethan): A Grenade is IN the GRAVY. (Ethan): AIDS in the apples. Balls in the beans. Cooter in the crust. Dookie dessert. Embryo eggplant. Fart on the fruitcake. Gooch goat cheese grape plate. (Trippy): Hair in the ham. And s*x in the ice. Jizz in the jelly with a kidney stone knife. Listerine lemonade. Mucus in the meatloaf. Nuke bomb in the naan bread, O- (TheDooo): Obama in the orange juice. Pus in the pasta Quran in the queso. Ringworm risotto. Shart in the salsa. Titty milk tater tot. Ukrainian unsalted urchin. (All Three): Vibrant vomit vodka. Wet willy wagyu. XBOX live! Yo, momma in a yogurt. (Ethan & Trippy): And the moment you've all been waiting for... Zyn in the zebra cake. (Trippy): Uhh, I think I'll just have a water?

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